26 Weeks
Two weeks until my 3rd trimester starts!
The baby is now approx. 1 lb, 10 ounces.
My total weight gain is 19 lbs.!!!!!
Sciatica pain is back with a vengeance! Hopefully it will be short lived like it was last time. No complaints otherwise, just enjoying this time.
We're getting ready to do our registry today. Yesterday, our friends Jody and Derek were so kind as to let us do an 'inventory' of their home to see what things were a must - brands of bottles, types of holders, play things, slings and more! Jody is an RN in the L&D department at Kaiser SCL, a mom to two little ones, and an amazing person! Jody and Derek are both great parents and all around the kind of people you enjoy being in company with - we're lucky to know them!
We're getting a lot of helpful advice from co-workers and friends, and I have to say it is ALL welcome! ... well, except when someone told me I shouldn't be walking stairs and I should be feeling the baby kicking regularly... that freaked me out and I had to email my midwife ASAP. She reassured me that stairs were fine, and that the regularity of the baby kicking would come in time. I also haven't had a problem with people touching my belly. I thought it would be weird, but I'm just so happy that they are happy for me, and by them touching my belly I just know they mean so well and I'm excited to share my excitement.
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