-At 5.5 weeks old, we finally took her in to the doctor because her umbilical cord was still partially in and we were still doing sponge baths. The doctor took a look and found that it was a piece of the cord that was not attached, but had lodged itself inside her belly button. The doctor was able to remove it. .... we love our pediatrician by the way! She is amazing.
-Elliana is now in 3 - 6 month clothes. Depending on the brand, she can wear 6 month!
-She started consistent BIG smiles that I just ADORE!
-She is doing lots of cooing and talking to us in her baby ga ga's. She coos 'maaa ma maaa' a lot, which I pretend is her saying 'mama' :)
-She hates tummy time. We get about 1 - 2 minutes in and have to stop.
-She hated her baths, we tried so many different techniques and finally found (thanks to a fellow mom's advice) that if we put a warm washcloth on her stomach and keep it warm throughout her bath, she will tolerate the bath with no cries.
-She sometimes cries real tears.
-She is mostly a very happy baby. She is awake a lot more during the day and enjoys staring at everything. She loves to stare at people (I love having staring contests with her), and objects. We will put a toy on her swing and she will stare at the bar of the swing instead!
-She is much more interactive with toys, she will stare at them and even smile at them.
-She consistently has been sleeping 4 - 5 hours at night. This past week (August 15) she slept 6 hours, then on August 16, she slept 7 hours! She is now doing about 6 for the past 3 nights. She usually has her last feeding around 9 - 10 pm, and then sleeps until 2 - 3 am.
-She got her 2 month shots on August 06. It was pretty devastating for me (no, I'm not exaggerating with my use of the word 'devastating')! I cried, but she was fine and handled it like a champ! The shocked look on her face was just too much for me, and her screams were awful. She only screamed for a minute, then we scooped her up...I cuddled her and gave her the pacifier, and she calmed down. She weighed ELEVEN pounds at her appointment! Well, 11.06 to be exact.
-She is in the 95 percentile for height, 43rd for weight. She's long and thin!
-Her skin is SO tan! She has a gorgeous skin tone. She makes me look very pale!
Just a few of the thousands of pictures from the past month:
Halina, Kaitlyn, Elliana, Jaxon, & Gage |